
- Designing robust green sustainable supply chain network by bi-objective optimization method, International Journal of General Systems, 2024. 通讯作者, SCI.
- A novel robust fuzzy mean-UPM model for green closed-loop supply chain network design under distribution ambiguity, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021. 第1作者, SCI一区.
- Distributionally robust design for bicycle-sharing closed-loop supply chain network under risk-averse criterion, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 通讯作者, SCI一区.
- A risk-averse multi-item inventory problem with uncertain demand, Journal of Data, Information and Management, 2019. 通讯作者.
- New safe approximation of ambiguous probabilistic constraints for financial optimization problem, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019.通讯作者, SCI&SSCI.
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