刘颖个人简介 - 金都娱乐城







  1. Designing robust green sustainable supply chain network by bi-objective optimization method, International Journal of General Systems, 2024. 通讯作者, SCI.
  2. A novel robust fuzzy mean-UPM model for green closed-loop supply chain network design under distribution ambiguity, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021. 第1作者, SCI一区.
  3. Distributionally robust design for bicycle-sharing closed-loop supply chain network under risk-averse criterion, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 通讯作者, SCI一区.
  4. A risk-averse multi-item inventory problem with uncertain demand, Journal of Data, Information and Management, 2019. 通讯作者.
  5. New safe approximation of ambiguous probabilistic constraints for financial optimization problem, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019.通讯作者, SCI&SSCI.


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